Waste Management

DNA can provide support for a variety of waste management projects including:

Policy and Strategy

We are experienced in the development of waste management policies and strategies and have prepared a number of national and regional strategies.


DNA has developed a number of waste management plans ranging from National Plans down to industry / enterprise specific plans and port waste management plans.

Facility Development

We have been intimately involved in the development of several waste management facilities from national strategic infrastructure to small enterprise-scale facilities.


Development of the Hong Kong Chemical Waste Treatment Centre (CWTC) has been our longest running series of projects – 1987 to 2025 (scheduled).

The facility was originally constructed in the early 1990’s and was commissioned in 1994. David led the technical team for the initial feasibility study in 1987 (DNA’s very first project), our involvement continued through contracts development and tendering, to assisting the Hong Kong government during the commissioning and first year of operation.

We have been involved periodically on a number of projects related to the CWTF (contracting / facility upgrades etc.).

In 2020 DNA were sub-contracted by ERM Hong Kong for the Independent Consultant role for implementation of the second 15 year “follow on” contract for the operation of the chemical waste treatment facility in Hong Kong, awarded to Ecospace / Kum Shing Joint Venture. Our role is checking, on behalf of the Hong Kong government, the design and development of the replacement incineration and healthcare waste sterilisation system for compliance with the Contract Specifications.